Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Arctic retreat: Pacific breeze brings January thaw

Here are your morning weather headlines:

  • 12 sub-zero days so far this winter at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport as of this morning

  • 10 days - average number of sub-zero days to date at MSP

  • 21 days at or below zero at MSP last winter by January 12

  • Last sub-zero morning tomorrow across southern Minnesota for two weeks?

  • January thaw this weekend

  • 40 degrees (above zero) possible across southern Minnesota Saturday

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Weather whiplash

Buckle up for another ride on Minnesota's Weather Coaster. This free ride delivers chills, spills and thrills. No ticket required, just residence in the Super Bowl of Weather we lovingly call Minnesota.

Seven sub-zero nights in a row to 10,000 new temporary melt-water lakes in the streets by this weekend?

Only in Minnesota.

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Yes, our weather pattern is about to shift in a massive way.

Gone? Last week's Siberian Express by way of the North Pole. The typical trajectory for winter's coldest air in Minnesota.

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Last week's polar air mass trajectories into the US. NOAA image via Andrew Freedman/Mashable.

Here? Our much celebrated January thaw. Temps running a good 10 to 15-plus degrees warmer than average by this weekend over Minnesota and much of the U.S.

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Climate Reanalyzer

First we endure one more night of sub-zero pain. Here's the weather culprit, our next arctic high pressure cell drifting over Minnesota tonight. By late tomorrow winds turn southerly on the back side of the high, and temps begin to moderate.

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Here are some numbers as temps begin a slow recovery through Wednesday then soar to the thawing point late this week.

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The key to a strong January thaw? A good breeze to keep additional moisture from snow melt mixed into the lower atmosphere, and keep any potential temperature buzz killing fog at bay. A good breeze Saturday is forecast. I will not be shocked to see many thermometers in dwindling snow zones cracking 40 degrees in Minnesota Saturday.

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Got snow?

Not so much across central Minnesota. Even the famed John Beargrease Sled Dog Race may have to adjust to scant snow depth along parts of the North Shore. There's a distinct snow doughnut in central Minnesota with just trace amounts of snow around Alexandria and Wadena. Southern Minnesota is holding onto a good 4 to 6 inches along the Interstate 90 corridor, for now.

The 4 inches in the Twin Cities will mostly be gone by Sunday afternoon. Here's a look at current snow depth across Minnesota.

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Enjoy the snow while it lasts and the warm up this week!