Complaints allege improper spending by ex-East Ridge High principal

Complaints filed with the South Washington County School District allege that former East Ridge High School Principal Aaron Harper used school funds for his own benefit.

The complaints, laid out in documents released by the district, say Harper used public money to buy a personal membership to Sam's Club, along with iPads and gift cards whose locations are unknown.

The complaints also say Harper didn't follow district policies and practices for purchasing food, supplies and equipment and took clothing and items from the school store without paying when he ran East Ridge.

Harper had been part of the Woodbury school's administrative team since it opened in 2009. He resigned suddenly in November following a district investigation.

Woodbury police are investigating Harper over the possible misuse of school district funds. Harper has not been charged with anything. He did not immediately return a call seeking comment. The school district took no disciplinary action against Harper after its investigation.

The district hasn't commented on the matter but released dozens of documents this week in response to data requests by MPR News and KARE 11. The district also provided several purchase receipts in response to the data request, although it's unclear if the receipts are tied to the complaints. The documents do not cite the source of the complaints.

Here is the full list of complaints and Harper's letter of resignation as provided to MPR News and KARE 11 by the South Washington County School District.