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Police chief honors lifesaving officers, citizens

Minneapolis Police Chief Janee Harteau presented Officer Patrick Reuben with a Lifesaving Award for administering CPR to a man lying unconscious on the floor of a gas station bathroom in July of 2012. (Brandt Williams / MPR News)

A Minneapolis police officer who stopped an apparently suicidal man from leaping from a bridge, another officer who revived an unconscious victim of a drug overdose and an officer who struggled with a gun-wielding robbery suspect are just a few of the Minneapolis cops honored by police chief Janeé Harteau at a ceremony held Monday at City Hall.

"[Officers] do great work every day. Unfortunately, we don't get to recognize everybody for the work that they do or we'd just be constantly be having award ceremonies," said Harteau. "But the reality of it is, we probably should."

Harteau also presented lifesaving awards to several citizens including Lisa Bilcik and Sally Jacobson. On May 29 of this year, Bilcik and Jacobson, gave first aid to a motorcyclist injured in a crash in the Lowry Tunnel. "The two women, strangers in separate cars, stopped in the fast lane of one of the state's busiest freeways to render aid to the injured man who was being ignored by others, who just continued to drive by," said Harteau.