On Campus Blog

MSU-Moorhead profs: No confidence in chancellor

The faculty senate at Minnesota State University - Moorhead has passed a vote of "no confidence" in Steven Rosenstone, chancellor of the system of state-run colleges and universities.

Campus Faculty Association President Ted Gracyk said Tuesday's resolution passed by a vote of 22 to 3 with four members absent.

In a written announcement, Gracyk said Rosenstone has "a track record of unilateral decision making, duplicity and mismanagement."

MSU-Moorhead is the sixth of seven state universities whose unionized faculty have formally expressed a lack of confidence in Rosenstone, who has been in a dispute with them over his plan to overhaul the system.

System spokesman Doug Anderson forwarded this written statement from Board of Trustees Chairman Tom Renier:

It continues to be disappointing that the faculty union is employing this tactic to stop the critical conversations that make up Charting the Future and the change needed to ensure that affordable and accessible higher education remains a reality for all Minnesotans. MnSCU will continue to seek broad input on the ideas produced by the faculty, staff, and students on the implementation teams and welcome the faculty back to the table any time they choose to return.  Given the offer of mediation, we hope that time is soon.

The faculty of Metropolitan State University in St. Paul could take a vote as early as tomorrow.