Sertich to leave the IRRRB

Tony Sertich, the head of the Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Board, will be leaving Governor Dayton's administration in January.

Sertich will become president of the Duluth-based Northland Foundation, which distributes grants to businesses and nonprofits around northeastern Minnesota, and operates assisted living centers and youth programs.

The Chisholm, Minn. native led the IRRRB for the past three and a half years. The state agency funds economic development, public works and education projects around the Arrowhead region. It's funded by a portion of the taconite production tax, paid by iron mining companies in lieu of local property taxes.

Sertich was elected to the Minnesota House of Representatives in 2001. At 30 he became the youngest House Majority Leader in state history. He's the first commissioner to leave Governor Dayton's 24-member cabinet before the start of his second term.