On Campus Blog

Winona State students list beefs with chancellor

Winona State student leaders have joined university faculty in expressing concern in the leadership of Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) system Chancellor Steven Rosenstone.

Aside from concerns raised by one student leader, it appears to be the first formally announced list of student complaints. Some are similar to those that university faculty union leaders presented in June.

They also come after a series of no-confidence votes by faculty at five state-run universities.

The main areas of complaint: lack of transparency, dismissiveness, and failure to effectively represent the system in his dealings with the state legislature.

MnSCU spokesman Doug Anderson forwarded this response from Rosenstone:

“I take very seriously the concerns raised by the Winona State University Student Senate and hope to meet in person as soon as possible to discuss them.  We have reached out to the Winona student leadership.  I would welcome the opportunity to personally meet with any of our student groups to discuss any topic at any time.”

Below is the statement, followed by a list of concerns:

To whom it may concern,

On November 5th, the Winona State University Student Senate (WSUSS) passed a Bill of Particulars regarding Chancellor Rosenstone.

The WSUSS does not take lightly the decision to present this Bill to the Chancellor and to The Board of Trustees. The Bill of Particulars addresses the performance, professionalism, and accountability of Chancellor Rosenstone. Many concerns listed in the Bill are not new and have been brought up by several different stake holder groups over the course of the last year; it is the hope of the Winona State student body that Chancellor Rosenstone addresses these concerns in a timely manner.

The WSUSS is currently considering a Vote of No Confidence in the Chancellor's leadership but wanted to make these issues known before taking any additional action.


WSUSS President Jessica Hepinstall and V.P. Edward Conlin
