On Campus Blog

Paper: Faculty unions hindering MnSCU reform

The Mankato Free Press criticizes this month's decision by two faculty unions not to participate in a plan to overhaul the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) system, saying they're trying to sabotage the overhaul through "guerrilla warfare":

The unions’ reasons for objecting to the reform plan seemed vague at best. In a letter to MnSCU Chancellor Steve Rosenstone, the unions said they didn’t necessarily disagree with some of the ideas in the plan but were now distrustful of the process because the system had not been more upfront about the hiring of consultants for $2 million to work on the plan.

The reasoning seems flimsy here. Paying consultants to work on a plan of this magnitude is not out of the ordinary or underhanded.

But it adds:

... If Rosenstone has truly lost some buy-in on this, he needs to regain it.

You can read the full editorial here.