Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Easing into November

November in Minnesota is like Forrest Gump's box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.

  • 50 degrees, average high temp at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport on Nov. 1

  • 33 degrees, average high at MSP on Nov. 30

  • 9.3 inches, 30-year average November snowfall at MSP

  • 54.4 inches, 30-year average annual snowfall at MSP

This year we ease into November chilly, but gracefully. No big Halloween Mega Storm snow dumps to dig out from like 23 years ago this weekend when I was a young weather buck working in the WCCO Weather Center.

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Minnesota DNR/Climate Workimg Group

Saturday brings another hard freeze and the coldest morning of the fall season to Minnesota. Temps moderate back into the 50s Sunday and Monday. Yes, it appears we ease gracefully into November this year.

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New England escapes the threat of heavy widespread snowfall this weekend with mainly spotty inland accumulations. Maine is the exception with some serious snowfall totals. The west and Rockies pick up some much needed moisture. Southerly winds return to Minnesota and the Midwest.

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Further on up the road, temps appear to be destined to run about 5 to 10 degrees above average in the second week of November. No big, menacing early season snow events looming at this time.

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NOAA GFS output via IPS Meteostar

Minnesota and the West lean toward the milder side of average as we move toward mid-November.

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Preview of coming attractions for the upcoming winter season?

Stay tuned.