Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Best day of fall 2014?

This is the day you wish you could save until January.

Mild southerly breezes and sunshine today help push temps toward the 70 degree mark across southern Minnesota. It's a great day for all things outdoors as we turn the page into the second half of October.

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Temps near 70 are a bonus this time of year, and bank thermometers will get a workout today as temps rapidly make the push toward the 70 degree mark this afternoon in the south, with 60s up north.

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Our next cool front is never too far away in October, and you'll feel the wind shift by the time you wake up Friday morning as the front barrels through on gusty northwest winds.

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After a cool football weather weekend, temps begin to slowly moderate again next week. Another shot of Indian summer by next Friday? The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts model thinks so.

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Ana and Gonzalo threaten

Hurricane Gonzalo flared into a monster category 4 hurricane with 140 miles per hour winds overnight. Note the concentric structure on the latest NASA GOES satellite infrared floater loop.

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The storm is a clear and potentially devastating threat to Bermuda tomorrow.

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Meanwhile Ana continues to strengthen east of the Hawaiian Islands and may be a threat to the chain this weekend.

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NWS Honolulu