On Campus Blog

LinkedIn, teachers and the ethics of hacking

LinkedIn Tries College Rankings Social Networking Site Rates Schools by Which Produces Graduates With Most Desirable Jobs (The Wall Street Journal)

Ukrainian Students to Take Russians’ Places in U.S. Exchange Program Russia’s decision to cancel a longstanding high school exchange program with the United States has had one result that the Kremlin may not have anticipated: more slots open for students from Ukraine. (The New York Times)

Ending Higher Ed’s Tuition Addiction to Produce Teachers We Need If colleges want to reverse the declining number of teachers of color, create more STEM teachers, and calibrate teacher supply with district demand, then teacher preparation programs need to become less dependent on individuals’ tuition. (Washington Monthly)

The ethics of Hacking 101  Some experts say the academic community is not taking ethics seriously enough, and professors are not accepting responsibility for the potentially dangerous skills they are teaching. (The Washington Post)

Dems demand more regs on for-profit colleges Sens. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) and Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) touted the support of more than a dozen attorneys general for their Proprietary Education Oversight Coordination Improvement Act, which would allow the federal government to increase accountability standards for the colleges. (The Hill via NAICU)