Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

‘Octember’ 2014

Welcome to "Octember."

That's the month we call fall, with hints of winter across Minnesota. We live in an era of mishmash words, why not seasons? The season formerly known as fall?

  • 63 degrees high at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport Monday (warmest day in one week)

  • -6.2 degrees temps vs. average so far at MSP Airport in October

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Chilly scene along Lake Superior today. Lake Superior maritime Museum.

Our unseasonably cool but dry weather continues this week.

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The low pressure system near Hudson Bay sideswipes Minnesota one more time today, before pulling off to the east. A narrow wedge of high pressure builds in behind it, as sunny but cool weather holds the rest of the week.

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The rest of the week looks cool and sunny.

In fact,I think the model output (below) from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Global Forecast System is too conservative for Saturday's high temps, which could climb into the 60s. A classic sunny fall October Saturday?

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Big questions marks loom by Sunday and beyond as forecast models fight it out over trends for next week. Cool and wet (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) or Indian Summer (Global Forecast System)?

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IPS Meteostar

Stay tuned!