Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Slow motion October

October dawn

October is an interesting month in Minnesota. We've soaked up those last few warm summery late September days. Then as October dawns, like clockwork it's as if our Minnesota reptilian brains kick in, and transition into pre-winter survival mode.

Is the wood pile stocked? Did I get that new garage door seal done? How much longer until a blizzard of leaves dances across the yard? Time for one more brisk walk along the lake shore?

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Lake Superior Maritime Museum

Our weather continues to run a few weeks ahead of the calendar in Minnesota this week. A cool persistent northwest flow is courtesy of a swirling low pressure system near the southwest shore of Hudson Bay.

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Here at ground level, the low pressure center to the north drives a westerly breeze today.

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Temps may actually touch 60 degrees in the metro this afternoon. A few clouds and spotty showers may pop up as a spoke from the northern low rides through late this afternoon.

Overall, what you see is what you get this week. Skies will be mostly clear, with highs in the upper 50s and temps hovering just above the freezing mark downtown.

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We bottomed out at 35 degrees Sunday morning at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. There have been a few frosty mornings around parts of the metro, but so far the airport has avoided the first 32 degree temp of the season.

The average date for the first 32 degree temp at MSP Airport? Tomorrow, Oct. 7.

Last year we held off the first freezing temp at MSP until Oct. 21 when the airport bottomed out at 29 degrees.

Each year (weather) is different. The longer term trends (climate) in Minnesota show a distinct trend toward longer frost free seasons in the past few decades. Minnesota has gained about 9 frost free days overall.

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National Climate Assesment

This week should bring ample opportunities for fall color peeping as sunny days and crisp nights continue. It's a slow motion fall pattern this October.

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Minnesota DNR
