Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

By the plow or by the season?

Call it Minnesota's winter weather lottery. Like an annual trip to Vegas in the fall, many Minnesotans make a bet each year on plowing a winter's worth of snow from the driveway. By the plow, or by the season?

Place your bets.

Time to finally ante up for that shiny new red snow blower?

Every year is different of course. But on average the Twin Cities receives a snowfall of one inch or more on 16.6 days each winter. An average of 8.4 days features at least two inches of snow.

How's your higher math?

Here's a good look at the snowfall frequency for several sites in Minnesota from the Twin Cities office of the National Weather Service. Here's the data on various snowfall events for the Twin Cities.

1006 snowfall
Twin Cities NWS

Good luck this winter!