Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Forecast changes ahead

"If you don't like the weather in Minnesota, just wait 15 minutes." -Anonomyous

Or maybe 15 hours.

Either way get ready for changeable skies over Minnesota the next few days. An undulating jet stream races overhead into next week. Up first, Thursday's low pressure wave brings another shot of showers to eastern Minnesota with heavier rains focusing on Wisconsin.

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The weather maps look like October. Late October. By Friday, you'll feel the bite of brisk northwest winds as an unseasonably cold air mass rushes in from Canada. Check out the surface maps over the next 48 hours as a tightening low pressure system heads for James Bay. Those tightly packed lines over Minnesota Friday mean gusty northwest winds behind the departing low.

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Here's a look at a Friday's attention getting winds across Minnesota. The Land of 10,000 Lakes features a billion whitecaps Friday.

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Temps in the 40s for highs Friday? Call it an early November preview.

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The temperature curve looks like the roller coaster at Valleyfair the next few days. The good news? Some mixed sun, light winds and a cool morning for the Twin Cities Marathon Sunday morning?

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