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Octoberish today, summer breezes return tomorrow

Attention Minnesota. October begins one week from today.

The good weather news? Today's cool and damp October  preview gives way to a return of warm summer breezes as we slowly draw the curtain on September.

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Gray Wednesday

Murky is the word that first came to mind as I worked up this morning's forecast tweet. A low pressure system swirls overhead today with clouds and spotty light showers under a damp southeast wind flow. Here's the morning GOES infrared satellite shot from NASA with wind flow overlay.

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College of Dupage

Today's low spins out tomorrow. Warmer southerly breezes blow around the back side of high pressure through this weekend.

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September eases out on a warm note this year. Temps push back into the 70s tomorrow and will soar to 80 degrees Friday and Saturday in the Twin Cities and southern Minnesota.

Here's a look at the summery output through the weekend from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Global Forecast System model, via Weatherspark.

One more weekend power lounging at the beach or on the boat?

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October cold front?

Yes, it took some extra effort to even type the word October today. But the reality is the calendar rolls over to Oct. 1 a week from today. In Minnesota that means the next Canadian cold front can't be far behind.

Here's a look at the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts take on tumbling temps next week as a cold front barrels through right on schedule as the calendar clock strikes October.

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The longer range outlook seems to favor a cool start to October at this point. These forecasts can often change wildly this time of year as fall jet stream patterns jockey for position, so keep and eye out for updates.

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Stay tuned, and enjoy our summer rerun starting tomorrow!