Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Forecast: More summer than fall

"I miss that kind of clarity." -- John Houseman as Wabash in "Three Days of the Condor"

Even our weather it seems has become more complicated over the years. Maybe it's our imagination, but every generation seems to remember simpler times. In our current context, I recall the days of my youth and as an early professional in Minnesota. Weather patterns seemed more distinct. September fronts barreled through with vigor and regularity.

Now it seems even cold fronts that should deliver clear indications of gusty northwest winds and clearing skies come through muddled. A sign of a slower, stumbling jet stream and changing climate as some researchers suggest?

Time will tell.

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The rest of this week looks slightly more like summer than fall. We muddle through times of clouds and sun, and scattered showers creep into the forecast as early as Friday morning as a warm front bubbles through.

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Here's a more detailed breakdown of forecast trends into the upcoming weekend based on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Global Forecast System model.

Notice the temp and dew point lines, you'll notice summer humidity levels returning and dew points climbing into the sticky mid 60s as the warm front sweeps through Friday and Saturday. Scattered showers will roam Minnesota both days, until a cold front sweeps through for a sunnier Sunday.

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Next week: Model differences lead to a changeable forecast

Call the forecast confidence level for late next week "low."

The GFS and the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts continue to paint very different scenarios after a slight cooling trend early next week.

Yesterday, the GFS was bullish on a big warm up. Today, the GFS brings a shot of colder air by next weekend. The Euro seems to take a milder approach late next week.

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Stay tuned, and expect a few more flip flops as the GFS and Euro continue to duke it out late next week's forecast.