On Campus Blog

Transfers, cell phones and unfilled stadiums

At College Football Games, Student Sections Likely to Have Empty Seats Declining Attendance Reflects Soaring Ticket Prices, Increase in Televised Games (The Wall Street Journal)

Millennials Are 'Alienated' And Less Trusting Than Generation X Was They're often pegged as the civic-minded, do-gooding generation. But while they're still optimistic about their own personal prospects, a new study finds that today's youth are often more skeptical of the country's institutions than the young generations that preceded them. (The Huffington Post)

Increase in Student Transfers Worrying Alumni Offices Already dealing with financial problems on many fronts, many colleges and universities are worried that the large proportion of students transferring from one school to another will make it harder to solicit alumni donations. (Washington Monthly)

New York Times reportedly entering the college-rating field The Times will soon unveil “a new ranking of colleges and universities based on their ability to attract underprivileged kids." (The Washington Post)

College of the Ozarks limits cell phone use Students are now prohibited from using their phones or any other device with headphones or ear buds during class, in chapel, or at their campus job. (KY3 News via NAICU)