Pedestrian hurt by Green Line train

Pedestrian struck by a Green Line light rail train
A pedestrian was loaded into an ambulance after an incident involving the Green Line in St. Paul on Monday, Aug. 25, 2014.
Jeffrey Thompson / MPR News

A pedestrian was struck by a westbound Green Line train Monday afternoon in St. Paul.

The pedestrian was taken to Regions Hospital. The person's name and condition haven't been released, though Metro Transit officials describe his injuries as not life-threatening.

Ian West saw the accident and described the pedestrian as a teenage boy "on a long-board skateboard." He said the young man was riding across University Avenue at Chatsworth Street when he was struck by the train around 1 p.m.

West said he did not hear the train's bell before it collided with the victim.

"The train just smacked him," West told MPR News. "I didn't hear nothing but the smack." West said the skateboarder's injuries appeared severe.

Metro Transit Spokesman Drew Kerr said the pedestrian was illegally crossing the light rail tracks outside of the crosswalk.

The train operator was replaced and will undergo drug and alcohol testing, which is Metro Transit protocol.

"In general when an operator is involved in an incident like this they're removed from work, replaced with another operator, and then they'll be debriefed to put together exactly what happened," Kerr said.

Kerr said this was the second time a Green Line train has made contact with a pedestrian. A person was brushed by a train in July and suffered minor injuries.

West, the witness, said stronger safety measures could prevent an incident like this.

"Obviously the signs, and the dots and the sounds aren't working," he said. "So put rail guards up. Train is coming past? Put a rail guard. Kid can't walk past a rail guard."

Light rail service was stopped for about an hour and replaced by bus service along a section of University Avenue. Rail service resumed just after 2 p.m.