Zip Rail comment period extended

Transportation officials have extended the public comment period for a proposed high-speed rail plan between the Twin Cities and Rochester.

State, federal and local transportation officials are preparing an Environmental Impact Statement to evaluate passenger rail options for the high speed service known as Zip Rail.

The study area includes a nearly 100-mile corridor that spans seven counties from Rochester to the Twin Cities.

Residents are concerned about access, land rights and safety issues, said MnDOT Spokeswoman Mary McFarland Brooks.

"It's a very important project and we want to be sure everyone weighs in. It affects a corridor that extends from the metro area, down to Rochester, so a lot of people are affected, so we want to be sure we get all of their concerns out on the table and can address them," Brooks said.

Earlier this summer, officials offered a document that begins to outline the proposed route, alternate routes, and potential environmental concerns with the project.

The public comment period ends on August 22.