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Whiplash: Record cold to 90 degree heat wave?

Welcome All-Star visitors to the Land of 10,000 Weather Extremes.

Hope you enjoy the brand new fleece lined sweatshirts you bought yesterday. Stick around a week and you can also spring for that snazzy new Twins T-Shirt as temps make a run at 90 within a few days.

Only in Minnesota.

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A rainbow over Target Field. Brian Mark Peterson/Star Tribune via AP

Monday's record cold polar vortex sideswipe spins mercifully eastward today. The waves of attacking rain squalls are gone, but we play hide and seek in clouds in the cool exhaust today and tonight.

First pitch for All-Star Game tonight?

67 degrees.

Congratulations Minnesota. We may indeed host the coolest MLB All-Star game on record tonight.

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Euro Model data via Weatherspark

Monday's mid-summer temperature shock was brought to you by the letters "p" and "v."

Ironically it's the same wavy jet stream pattern that brought our mini summer polar vortex that will deliver warmer air into Minnesota this week, and push temps into the AC triggering 90s next week.

The jet stream finally lifts well north into Canada next week. A huge super heated dome of high pressure will bring stifling heat to the desert southwest.

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Climate Reanalyzer

Temps may push 120 degrees-plus in Arizona and Death Valley, California, next week, and Minnesota will finally get a glancing shot of heat from the northeast edge of this system.

Red on the weather maps over Minnesota? What a concept. Here's the latest 6-10 day temp outlook from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Climate Prediction Center. Yes, it's going to get hot in Minnesota this summer.

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String of 90s? 

It may be too early to gauge the precise magnitude of next week's potential heat wave. But there are signs we could see 3-5 days near or above 90 degrees next week, peaking at 93 degrees next Monday.

Here's the 16-day NOAA Global Forecast System output.

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IPS Meteostar

In the meantime, we enjoy an increasingly fine forecast this week as summer takes hold once again. The latest runs from the GFS and European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts suggest we may hold off any significant rain chances until this weekend.

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Five dry days in a row? I'll believe it when I see it in this crazy weather year.