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Weather Rocks at The Garden today, rain tomorrow

It doesn't get any better than this!

It's all about brilliant blue skies, warm sunshine and temps in the 80s and low humidity for the opening day of Rock The Garden 2014.

It's good to have the "official meteorologist" gig working Rock The Garden today.

Sunny selfie as Jeremy Messersmith takes the stage for a sound check.

I've been chatting live on The Current 89.3 with Steve Seel and Jill Reily about our good weather fortune today.

High soar into the mid-80s under sunny skies today. A no wake lake worthy Saturday on the summer solstice, and a great day for an outdoor rock concert. Sunscreen not optional.

1621 highs

An upper air disturbance rides through northern Minnesota today and may spark a few T-Storms up north and in the Dakotas. Most of the action should stay north and west of the metro and southern Minnesota today.

A severe Thunderstorm Watch is up until 10pm tonight for much of northwest Minnesota and the Red River Valley.

1621 svr watch

Comfort levels are high today. I've overlaid wind streamlines and comfy dew points in the 50s on the 1km visible shot.

1621 vis
College of Dupage

Sunday soakers ahead

I wish I had better news for Sunday. The next low pressure wave rolls in from the west with more scattered T-Storms locally heavy downpours.

1621 sfc

I don't think we'll see an all day rain Sunday, but there will be a few hours of scattered showers and T-Storms with heavy downpours roaming the landscape. Yes, it appears there is enough moisture to put down some more heavy rainfall totals over an inch.

1621 qpf

The risk for severe weather, high winds, tornadoes and severe hail is fairly low tomorrow according to NOAA's Strom Prediction Center. But remember that anytime we get heavy downpours, there is a risk for at least some hail...and gusty winds.

1621 svr

Enjoy this fine first Saturday of summer, but keep the rain gear handy for Sunday!