Tennessee kayaker broke no laws in Minnehaha Falls stunt

Minnehaha Falls kayaker
Hunt Jennings goes over Minnehaha Falls on Thursday.
Jennifer Simonson/MPR News

Kayaker Hunt Jennings, who took on the raging waters of Minnehaha Falls Thursday, the same day the water level reached a record high, broke no laws and will not be cited, according to Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board spokeswoman Robin Smothers.

Photo gallery: Kayaker braves raging Minnehaha Falls

The Minneapolis Park Police chief was unavailable for comment, Smothers said. However, the department released a statement about its concern that Jennings' action and the publicity of his stunt could inspire others to do the same, calling it irresponsible

"It is our experience that a trip over the falls almost always results in serious injury or death," the statement read. "The incident (Thursday) was an irresponsible publicity stunt. The impact of the drop, the large boulders at the base of the Falls, the deep water and fast current could easily injure or kill a kayaker."

Jennings went over the Falls as members of his safety crew watched. His only injury was a small cut above his lip. Jennings is from Chattanooga, Tenn.