The Urban League on persistent income inequality

Treasury Sec. Geithner And HUD Chief Donovan Speak
Marc H. Morial, CEO of the National Urban League, participates in a conference on the future of housing finance at the Treasury Department on August 17, 2010 in Washington, DC. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner hosted the future of housing finance conference with industry experts, leading academic experts and other stakeholders.
Mark Wilson/Getty Images

This interview was canceled due to breaking weather news.

The Twin Cities has one of the largest income gaps between blacks and whites in the country, according to a recent report from the National Urban League. In Minneapolis and St. Paul, blacks earn an average of $28,744 a year, compared to $71,376 for whites.

Urban League President and CEO Marc Morial is in Minneapolis this week to talk about the legacy of the civil rights movement and current efforts for closing income, homeownership and joblessness gaps.

The Urban League recently partnered with Wells Fargo and the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce to host a series of small business workshops nationwide. The organization also announced a series of forums on navigating the path to homeownership. Those will be held in June in cities across the country, including Minneapolis and St. Paul.

Morial spoke with NPR's Tell Me More about jobs and challenges for black Americans last summer in Philadelphia.

He joins Scott Gray, president and CEO of the Minneapolis Urban League, to talk with The Daily Circuit about efforts being made to close income gaps locally and nationwide.