On Campus Blog

Starbucks, Wikipedia and Oversharing

Starbucks to offer employees free tuition to complete online bachelor’s degree Starbucks wants to offer full tuition reimbursement to thousands of  its employees to complete a bachelor’s degree online — with no mandate to stay with the company after graduation. (The Washington Post)

Why Aren’t Universities Investing in Education Technology Companies? University endowment managers look at trends the market and where it makes sense to put money so as to maximize the return for the institution. The fact that these managers work for universities gives them no comparative advantage in terms of investing in education startups. They can’t pick the winners and losers in this space better than anyone else can. (Washington Monthly)

Wikipedia pops up in bibliographies, and even college curricula Once the bane of teachers, Wikipedia and entry-writing exercises are becoming more common on college campuses as academia and the online site drop mutual suspicions and seek to cooperate. In at least 150 courses at colleges in the U.S. and Canada, including UC Berkeley, UC San Francisco's medical school, Boston College and Carnegie Mellon University, students were assigned to create or expand Wikipedia entries this year. (Los Angeles Times)

Naked Confessions of the College-Bound Oversharing in Admissions Essays (The New York Times)

Rising college costs push students to technical schools While most high school students still plan to go the traditional route of attending four-year colleges and universities when they consider educational options after graduation, a significant number say they are open to the idea of attending community colleges and technical schools. (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)