Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Scattered rain increases, Minnesota’s vanishing drought

If it's graduation weekend in Minnesota, there must be rain in the forecast.


Thank goodness for garages.

This weekend will not be a total washout, but a parade of occasional scattered showers and thundershowers marches east across Minnesota today. The culprit? A slow moving cool front that stalls overhead through Saturday.

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The overall forecast may not be as bad as this graphic looks, but there is rain in the forecast today through Saturday for the metro. Sunday looks like the direst, sunniest day of the weekend right now.

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Here's a breakdown on the most likely hours for rainfall this weekend in the metro.

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Here's the latest Twin Cities radar loop to keep track of advancing showers & T-showers.

Here's the layout for northern Minnesota.


Overall rainfall totals look heaviest in western Minnesota. here's NOAA's 3-day rainfall outlook.

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Disappearing drought

Mark Twain is credited with just about every great weather saying ever heard. "It takes a flood to end a drought" is one of those.

Our flooding spring rains have eliminated drought over most of Minnesota. A small sliver of moderate drought clings to southwest Minnesota as of today's updated release of the US Drought Monitor.

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