On Campus Blog

Banks, Harvard law grads and NSA-proof email

Actress to Harvard law grads: ‘I’m afraid a couple of you probably are evil. That’s just the odds.’ Here’s another in a series of interesting/amusing/surprising commencement speeches that have been given in the 2014 graduation season. (The Washington Post)

Harvard and MIT students create NSA-proof e-mail service While students do express concern over their privacy, many are also so integrated into their current e-mail providers that they are hesitant to make the switch. (USA Today)

Expelled Duke University student sues school after sexual assault claims denied him degree  Lewis McLeod, a psychology major who was investigated by police but never criminally charged, has filed a lawsuit demanding the $250,000 degree he paid for. (New York Daily News via University Business)

How a college with 340 students lost $220 million in five years A case study in the baffling realities of higher-education financing. (New England Center for Investigative Reporting via The Hechinger Report)

Colleges are getting millions to steer students toward certain banks A group of 65 congressional Democrats, led by Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) and Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.), introduced legislation last week to end this payoff system and prevent universities from steering students into payment products. (The Washington Post via NAICU)