Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Picture perfect now, hard rain this weekend?

Today is one of those days you wish you can put in a jar and save for January.

How about sunny skies, low humidity and temps in the 80s anyone?

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Our Chamber of Commerce Minnesota weather holds through Friday for most of Minnesota, then moisture and scattered storms return this weekend. I know, I wish the timing was better too.

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Here's a look at the slow moving frontal system that creeps into western Minnesota by early Saturday. Scattered showers and thunderstorms will increase from northwest to southeast as we head toward the weekend.

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Rainfall totals continue to be impressive with this system. Multi-inch totals of 2 to 4-plus inches still appear quite possible Sunday and Monday across some parts of Minnesota.

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June monsoon?

The news of potentially heavy rains as we head into June shouldn't some as a huge surprise. June is our wettest month in Minnesota with over 4 inches of rain on average.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Global Forecast System 16-day output has been cranking out that much and more in the first half of June.

As much as 6 inches by mid-June in the metro? We'll see, but the notion of a good drenching seems reasonable looking at the maps.

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IPS Meteostar

Stay tuned, and keep the rain gear handy.