Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Weather bliss heading into Memorial Day Weekend

Tears of weather joy would be excused after the winter we've just endured in Minnesota. There are also a few of my friends and neighbors that are a little leery of the turn of nice weather. Is it safe? is it really here to stay?

Yes, it looks like the weather tides have finally turned for the better. Let's cut to the chase. Here's a quick look at a good looking forecast as we glide into the big weekend.

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Clean and increasingly milder high pressure is our weather protector again Friday across Minnesota. A low edges in from the west this weekend, but scattered showers and T-Storms will likely hold off until Sunday. Weather fingers crossed for Saturday rounds of golf and boat excursions.

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Warmer days roll in as we work around to the back side of the high and southerly wind flow.

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Temps in the 80s have already visited southwest Minnesota this season. We still have yet to hit 80 this spring in the Twin Cities. We may get there Sunday or Memorial Day.

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Instant summer?

Yes, the old joke in Minnesota is spring usually lasts a day. We go from snow to summer in the blink of a weather eye.

The Euro model is the most aggressive with the warm up the next week. How about a string of (mid?) 80s next week? Can swarms of mosquitoes be far behind?

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Drought denting rains?

How about this for once. Heavy rainfall exactly where it's needed. Take a look at the rainfall forecast for the next 7 days as a slow moving upper low spins out of the southern Rockies.

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Now take a look at Thursday's latest release of the US Drought Monitor. We have a weather bingo!

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No doubt the rains will be welcome in the drought plagued Texas and Oklahoma panhandle region.