Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Working toward a sunnier forecast

The weather maps are leaning toward more sunshine in Minnesota this week. It's just going to take a while to get there.

Thick fog blankets hung over eastern Minnesota this morning, and a higher May sun angle tries to burn off the gray.

1520 fog bank
College of DuPage

As the fog burns of, temps will rise. Here's where the National Weather Service digital forecast thinks we'll top out in Minnesota today.

1520 tempsMaxT1_uppermissvly

Sunshine increases over Minnesota this week. A few sunnier drier days should go a long way to lifting weather spirits, and drying out some waterlogged lawns and farm fields.

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As we head toward the Memorial Day weekend temperatures still look warmer. The season's first 80 degree reading will come eventually, it's just a question of when. Right now, Saturday looks like the driest day of the weekend.

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In the longer range, the forecast still favors a warmer temperature picture.

Here's NOAA's 16 day Global Forecast System output; it suggests the bulk of days close to 80 degrees, with dew points in the 60s to near the tropical 70 degree mark.

1520 16 day
IPS Meteostar

The warmer days are welcome news to many Minnesotans. After all the rain, the emergence of the Minnesota State Bird will be close behind.