Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Sunshine, higher temps in weekend forecast

It's sometimes OK to be average.  Our average high in the Twin Cities this time of year is 69 degrees.  Think how nice that would feel after today's 49 degree high temperature!

We're expecting  highs in the lower 60s on Saturday and we could hit 70 degrees on Sunday.  Good timing and ample sunshine is also in the weekend forecast!

In the meantime, parts of Minnesota could see some frost and/or freezing temps overnight into early Friday.

The best chance of freezing temps will be over northwest Minnesota, where a freeze warning has been posted by the National Weather Service. Points west of a Minnesota line from St. Cloud to Mankato, then down to the Iowa border could see patchy frost and are under a frost advisory later tonight into early Friday.

The metro area should be mostly frost free, except for low spots outside the Interstate 494-Interstate 694 loop.

Planning a weekend trip in the MPR News listening area?  Here are some projected high temps for Sunday:


Sunday's forecast high temperatures. National Weather Service