On Campus Blog

Notes: Privacy, suicide and the Fighting Sioux

Senators Intend to Amend Federal Student Privacy Law Senator Edward J. Markey, the Massachusetts Democrat, and Senator Orrin G. Hatch, the Utah Republican, say that law needs to be amended to keep pace with the proliferation of student data that has resulted from increased technology use in schools. (The New York Times)

Suicide Suit Involving Princeton Is 'Bellwether' An uneasy question is hanging over Princeton University's verdant New Jersey campus as the semester draws to a close: Is the school within its rights to force suicidal students to leave? (The Wall Street Journal)

The University of North Dakota’s Fighting Sioux: First as Tragedy, Then as Farce, Right? “Fighting Sioux” is dramatically less offensive than “Siouxper Drunk,” especially considering the incredibly high alcoholism rates in the American Indian community. (Washington Monthly)

UC seeks to increase transfer students from community colleges The numbers are so lopsided that just 19 colleges sent half of all the 13,999 community college transfers to UC campuses last year and 93 other schools made up the other half, the UC study said. (Los Angeles Times)

What happened to free speech on campus? The phenomenon of protesting commencement speakers isn’t new; it’s become such a rite of passage in the spring that some free-speech advocates have started calling the spring “disinvitation season.” But it’s a trend that some believe is growing, and that many observers worry is shifting college campuses away from being a free marketplace of ideas. (The Christian Science Monitor via NAICU)