Daily Circuit Blog

Op-ed pick: Asian Americans want immigration reform too

May is Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Census and population data last year showed that Asians were the fastest growing ethnic or racial group in America and they also have a stake in the immigration reform debate.

According to the “The State of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders” survey, over 50 percent support a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. Politico reported that the Asian Pacific American Caucus unveiled its recommendations last month regarding deportation and other immigration policy concerns:

Among its top suggestions is to expand a current program that defers deportations for young undocumented immigrants to a broader population of people living here illegally. Those recommendations are similar to ones made by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and other advocates.

That would be one way to keep families together, lawmakers said. About 5.1 million children in the United States live in mixed-status families — meaning one person could be here legally when another in the family is not – and 4 million of those children are U.S. citizens, according to the Pew Hispanic Center.

You can read more about the recommendations here.

Also of note:  ABC added "Fresh off the Boat" to it 2014-15 season lineup. It will be the "first network television sitcom in 20 years to feature an Asian American family." The series is based on the memoir by Chef Eddie Haung.

Check out the trailer:
