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May-tober now, nice weekend? Tornado season catch up

The season formerly known as spring continues to move in slow motion this year.

Seventy degrees and rain, or sunshine and 58? These are the weather choices we face as Minnesotans this month. We transition to the latter as we move through the rest of this week.

The good news? A dramatic decrease in the number of flash flood, severe thunderstorm and tornado warnings in Minnesota this week.

  • 58 degrees forecast high in the Twin Cities Tuesday

  • Oct. 17 average high at Minneapolis-St.Paul International Airport is 58 degrees

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The shorts and Tommy Bahama shirts wait patiently in the closet. The beach towels remain folded. The flip-flops await another day.

The fleece still rules in Minnesota this week. A cool exhaust behind  our departing low means temperatures will struggle to get out of the 50s this week. Cool Canadian high pressure builds in one more time as the week unfolds.

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Temperatures in the 50s continue this week, and with overnight lows in the upper 30s in the city, scattered frost in the suburbs is a good possibility this week.

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Risk of a nice weekend?

Hold the presses. Alert the media. Oh wait, I am the media.

The weather stars appear to be aligning this weekend for a rare combination of sun and milder temps. After heavy recent rains I can hear the chorus of lawn mowers humming this weekend.

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Tornado season plays catch up

Thankfully, this had been one of the quietest starts to tornado season. That has changed the past two weeks. The numbers are still running below average to date, but gaining rapidly as tornado numbers have spiked the past two weeks.

Here are the numbers from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Storm Prediction Center.

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