Jump into Mississippi River was a stunt

Hennepin County officials say a man who jumped from a Brooklyn Park bridge into the Mississippi River Wednesday night was performing a stunt.

Emergency officials took several calls around 8:30 p.m. about a man jumping off the Highway 610 bridge.

"Per our protocol, since it had been witnessed someone jumping off the bridge, they had begun a massive water search including police, fire, boats, state patrol helicopter," said Rich Stanek, Hennepin County Sheriff. "A short time later it was found this was nothing more than a stunt."

After the jump, a video of the incident was posted online. Stanek says the man was wearing a life jacket during the 40-foot plunge and swam to shore.

Police haven't found the jumper yet. Stanek says the county attorney would consider filing trespassing or disorderly conduct charges against the man.