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Second wettest April on record, hydro vortex produces 3 to 5 inch rainfall totals

Now I know what it's like to live in a car wash.

Day three of widespread soaking rain (and snow) has boosted area rainfall totals from 3 to nearly 5 inches with this system. The weather bull's-eye? Right over the Twin Cities metro and surrounding area.

Twin Cities NWS

Check out some of the impressive, sump pump straining 72 hour rainfall totals coming into the Twin Cities National Weather Service.

Here are a few rainfall reports from around central and southern Minnesota and western Wisconsin since Saturday.

With April precipitation now more than 6 inches and counting for one more day, this is now the second wettest April on record.

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Twin Cities NWS

Two more (really wet) days?

Our friendly neighborhood cutoff low seems content to swirl overhead with mixed rain and snow for about two more days. By later Thursday or Friday, the system should push far enough east to produce less rain, and even open up some breaks of sunshine in our seemingly impenetrable overcast.

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Skies will gradually dry out as we head into Friday and the weekend. The chances and coverage for showers will gradually diminish. Hours of sunshine and temperatures will gradually rise. Temps near 60 degrees by next Monday should feel pretty nice.

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Slow motion spring of 2014

This spring looks like a glacial process, but there are signs next week could be much more bearable than this week. The maps suggest mostly days in the 60s. That's much closer to average, and should feel pretty good compared to our March-like relapse this week.

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IPS Meteostar

Stay tuned.