On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Rape, college obsession and the confidence gap

Does it pay to obsess on where your kid goes to school? In light of what we know about educational achievement, their obsessive quests are almost entirely unnecessary.  And worse, their pursuits are undermining the broader aim of equity. (The Washington Post)

Another Bank Leaves Student Loans Behind Why are so many banks exiting the student loan business? One reason might be that legislation in the last decade or so has made it a little harder to make money off of students, and a little easier for students to assert their own rights. (Washington Monthly)

White House to Press Colleges to Do More to Combat Rape The recommendations urge colleges, among other measures, to conduct anonymous surveys about sexual assault cases, adopt anti-assault policies that have been considered successful at other universities and to better ensure that the reports of such crimes remain confidential. (The New York Times)

Confidence gap still present among collegiate women Outlined in the recently published book The Confidence Code by Katty Kay & Claire Shipman, the theory describes how a lack of self-esteem holds women back in a world where confidence matters as much as competence. The theory is not without critics, but facts show that a confidence gap does exist on college campuses. (USA Today)

Oregon college the first in U.S. with 100 percent on-site renewable energy The Oregon Institute of Technology now generates all of its electricity from renewable energy sources located on its Southern Oregon campus. (Sustainable Business Oregon via NAICU)