E-cigarette legislation delayed again

Legislation aimed at regulating electronic cigarettes has again been delayed.

Members of the Senate Rules Committee on Wednesday sent the bill to the Finance Committee for additional consideration of its fiscal impact.

Four Senate panels have already approved the bill, but it was sidetracked to the Rules Committee last month before a floor vote could take place.

State Sen. Kathy Sheran, DFL-Mankato, said she thinks the latest move is unusual, unnecessary and an attempt by opponents to try to weaken the bill.

"I do think that there is an effort to modify the provisions that are in this bill, which have successfully [moved] through four committees, retained really essential components of the restriction of the use of e-cigarettes in indoor spaces, where the general public is, along with protecting minors from the sale of e-cigarettes," Sheran said.

Senate Majority Leader Tom Bakk, DFL-Cook, said he was not trying to block the bill in its current form.

A less restrictive House bill on e-cigarettes has passed through three committees and is awaiting a floor vote.