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Spring soaker on the way, Dandelion Watch issued

The Green Wave is coming to Minnesota.

Our spring warm-up has already melted snow and lake ice around Minnesota. Now the higher daytime temperatures are warming soils and triggering plants and trees to start to leaf out. A good soaking rain is the next trigger, and you may notice some new flowers sprouting up as your lawn and yard turns greener before your eyes in the next 48 hours.

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Project Budburst

Here's a neat way to keep track of the emerging spring blooms. Project Budburst tracks blooms, and allows you to report what's blooming around you this spring.

Dandelion Watch

Here's another a sign of things to come in the next few days and weeks. Soil temps are now warming into the 50s around the Twin Cities. That's the critical threshold for dandelion germination. Can a "Dandelion Watch" be far behind?

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Twin Cities NWS

 April showers moving in

Our next weather maker is riding the jet stream eastward into Minnesota. The double-barreled low and associated frontal system is tapping Gulf moisture, and will wring it out over the Upper Midwest in the next 48 hours.

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The slow moving low hangs around Wednesday and Thursday. Several bands of scattered rain and thundershowers will sweep across Minnesota. Look for rain to spread from west to east across the state Wednesday morning. The latest trends indicate a slower system, and that could mean a good widespread soaker for the Upper Midwest.

Here's the latest 3-day rainfall output from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Weather Prediction Center, which suggests more than an inch across much of Minnesota with some totals approaching the 2 inch mark.

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Here's the take from the Duluth office of the National Weather Service.

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Duluth NWS

And from La Crosse NWS.

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Further south, there will be enough heat and instability for some severe storms, but the risk should generally stay south of Minnesota.

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NOAA Storm Prediction Center

Bottom line?

  • Prepare for a much-needed good soaking rainfall Wednesday and Thursday.

  • Rainfall spreads from west to east across Minnesota Wednesday morning.

  • Temperatures will generally be in the 50s Wednesday and Thursday.

  • Widespread rainfall totals of half an inch to 1 inch or more are likely, with some possible heavier totals.

  • Expect wet streets for commute both Wednesday and Thursday.

  • Umbrellas and rain gear will be in vogue.

The longer range forecast through the weekend looks cool. Friday and Saturday should stay mostly dry, but a few more showers may creep north with the next low pressure wave Sunday and Monday. I don't see any accumulations, but a few wet snowflakes could be mixed in early Monday morning. It is still April in Minnesota after all.

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Next week there are some model differences. The European model is trying to get naughty with the potential for snow next Tuesday. I'll leave that be for now and see what unfolds.

In the meantime, enjoy the much needed rainfall!