On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Porn studies, padded CVs and Payscale data

Ridiculous resumes: 6 of higher ed's most padded CVs These stories are probably good for business at executive search firms, and the brazenness of public figures who maintain false claims about their education and work histories is difficult to believe. (Education Dive)

At Last, Porn Studies For those of you looking for new scholarly research projects, or trying to publish rather, well, unusual studies, perhaps about the adult film industry, academic publishing has provided America with a new venue. (Washington Monthly)

What You Don’t Know About Financial Aid (but Should) An array of policy analysts from think tanks to the White House say things should change. (The New York Times)

Should Payscale’s Earnings Data Be Trusted? Payscale data is self-reported earnings among individuals who happened to look at Payscale’s website and were willing to provide estimates of their annual earnings. It’s my strong suspicion that self-reported earnings from these individuals are substantially higher than the average bachelor’s degree recipient, and these are often based on a relatively small number of students. (Kelchen on Education)

Less Bleak Outlook for Law Grads Law schools reported that 57% of class of 2013 graduates landed long-term, full-time jobs for which passage of the bar exam was a prerequisite, according to figures published by the American Bar Association on Wednesday. (The Wall Street Journal)