The Cities Blog

How Minneapolis scores in ‘solar cities’ ranking

solar house
This new Habitat for Humanity "Net Zero" house in north Minneapolis not only is energy efficient, but also produces its own energy through solar panels. Liala Helal/MPR News

A report released today by Environment America ranks Minneapolis 37th of 57 cities nationwide when it comes to producing solar electricity.

The analysis shows Minneapolis produced approximately 5 watts of solar per person at the end of 2013. Minneapolis was the only Minnesota city included in the report.

Here are the leading solar cities, according to the report:

  1. Honolulu

  2. San Jose, Calif.

  3. Wilmington, Del.

  4. San Diego

  5. Indianapolis

  6. Phoenix

  7. San Antonio

  8. New Orleans

While not considered a "solar star" or "leader" by Environment America, Minneapolis did better than solar "beginners" like Chicago, New York, Miami, St. Louis and Detroit.

"Cities are the focal point of this solar energy revolution and that has Minneapolis looking on the bright side,” Environment Minnesota advocate Samantha Chadwick said in a news release.