On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Career centers, race plaintiffs, and a for-profit model

College admission rates for Class of 2018: an imperfect but closely watched metric Admission rates are volatile from year to year, and comparing rates from one college to another is a precarious business. (The Washington Post)

A New Model for For-Profit Education? Exactly how much power would “socially conscious companies” have from “abuse by shareholders demanding to see short-term profitable behavior”? (Washington Monthly)

Unofficial Enforcer of Ruling on Race in College Admissions But Edward Blum, the legal entrepreneur who orchestrated Fisher v. University of Texas, is launching a series of websites seeking plaintiffs. (The New York Times)

NCAA President Mark Emmert Blasts Union Idea At Final Four, NCAA Head Acknowledges Need for Change but Says Unionization Would 'Blow Up' College Sports (The Wall Street Journal)

Some students accuse campus career centers of falling flat Nearly 50% of students do not use their college career centers and 61% say they are either never or rarely effective in helping them land a job, according to a new study. (USA Today)