MNsure's interim CEO to testify at U.S. House hearing

Scott Leitz
Scott Leitz was named MNsure's interim CEO after executive director April Todd-Malmlov resigned earlier this week.
Jeffrey Thompson/MPR News

The Republican chairman of the U.S. House Oversight Committee is turning up the heat on Minnesota and several other states with troubled health insurance exchanges.

U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa of California is sending letters to 10 governors, including Gov. Mark Dayton, and the District of Columbia's mayor, his office said. The letters seek internal documents and communications between state employees and contractors and Obama Administration officials relating to their insurance exchanges from May 1, 2013 to present.

Issa also seeks audits of MNsure's development, readiness or security back to July, 2012. A spokesman for Dayton said the governor has yet to receive Issa's letter.

The House Oversight Committee has asked MNsure's interim CEO Scott Leitz to testify at a hearing entitled, "Examining ObamaCare's Problem-Filled State Exchanges."

A MNsure spokesman said the agency's focus is helping as many people as possible enroll in affordable, comprehensive health coverage.

In a statement, Leitz said he's happy to comply and will tell the committee Minnesota has among the lowest insurance premiums in the country and MNsure has enrolled more than 150,000 Minnesotans in coverage.

The committee also has invited representatives from other troubled state exchanges, including those in Oregon, Maryland, Hawaii and Massachusetts.