
In California, a hockey dream comes true

The San Jose Sharks made a young fan very, very happy last night -- and they didn't even win their game against the Florida Panthers.

From KGO-TV:

Seventeen-year-old Sam Tageson had his Make-A-Wish dream come true Tuesday when he got to practice with the San Jose Sharks and even skate through the shark head onto the ice at Tuesday night's game.

Hitting the ice at a Sharks practice is stuff of dreams for any Bay Area hockey fan. And for Tageson, it's a dream come true. He's been a Sharks fan his entire life.

"He eats, sleeps, and does everything hockey," his dad Louis Tageson said. "I mean if he's not outside playing hockey, he's inside playing PlayStation hockey. There's pretty much not a stat he doesn't know."

The San Jose Mercury News reports that Tageson has a life threatening heart defect -- "hypoplastic left heart syndrome, having been born with two heart chambers, not four. But against the advice of doctors, he has been playing hockey since age 6."