On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Patent trolls, info blackouts and academics’ mental illness

New Obama administration proposal to regulate for-profit colleges The Obama administration is proposing to tighten oversight of for-profit colleges through new rules that seek to limit how much debt students can amass in career-training programs. The proposal, to be announced Friday, is the administration’s second try at regulationssetting standards for what colleges must do to ensure graduates of career programs obtain “gainful employment.” (The Washington Post)

Dark thoughts: why mental illness is on the rise in academia University staff battling anxiety, poor work-life balance and isolation aren't finding the support they need. (The Guardian via University World News)

Colleges Are Patent Trolls  The expression “first-year experience” has been trademarked by the University of South Carolina. "Fast-track MBA” has been trademarked by Eastern University. The list goes on, and it's ridiculous. (Washington Monthly)

Colleges promote healthy living campaigns, food options on campus Only one out of three students report receiving any education from their college or university regarding physical activity, wellness living and healthy dietary guidelines, according to a report. (USA Today via NAICU)

College Blackout The private nonprofit higher education lobby, whose members rely heavily on federal financial aid, drove efforts to preempt the creation of a federal student unit record system that would enable students, families, institutions, and policymakers to answer fundamental questions about college value. (New America Foundation)