On Campus Blog

Visiting the University of Minnesota – Duluth today

Let's get started. (Alex Friedrich / MPR News)
Howdy, Duluth (Alex Friedrich / MPR News)

After a bit of break, it's time to visit another campus -- this time the University of Minnesota - Duluth.

It hasn't been a stranger to On Campus.

You may have heard that it's grappling with a multimillion-dollar deficit that will require some cuts over the next five years. And Gov. Mark Dayton -- among others -- has said he's shocked over how little state funding it has received compared to the Twin Cities campus.

The campus raised a few eyebrows recently by being seventh in per-capita drug and alcohol arrests -- and got written up in the local paper when students let it all hang out during the fall move-in period back in 2010. And apparently it has the hottest female students.

UMD is ranked as the fifth-snowiest U.S. campus -- and located in one of the most scenic American college towns.

With all of that in mind, I'll trek on over for breakfast.