House panel subpoenas on wind power, eagle deaths

Wind turbines
Two wind turbines at the University of Minnesota-Morris produce between 60 and 70 percent of the electricity used on campus.
Conrad Wilson/MPR News, file

House Republicans are seeking to compel the Obama administration to turn over uncensored, internal documents related to its enforcement of environmental laws at wind farms where eagles and other protected birds have been killed.

The House Natural Resources Committee issued the subpoena Tuesday.

Only one wind energy company has been prosecuted for killing eagles and other birds in violation of federal law. Duke Energy pleaded guilty in November to killing eagles and other birds at two Wyoming wind farms and will pay $1 million.

Yet federal scientists said last year that wind turbines have killed at least 67 eagles in recent years.

An Associated Press investigation exposed how the Obama administration was failing to enforce the law for wind power, even as it pursued deaths caused by oil companies.