On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Dropouts, Obama’s budget and defending students

Revisions to the SAT college admissions test follow years of gains for rival ACT exam Anthony Simon’s experience with college admissions testing might shed light on why the College Board this week announced big revisions to its SAT exam, and why the rival ACT has become the most popular admission test in the country. (The Washington Post)

College Accountability and the Obama Budget Proposal The Administration made two key requests in this area. (Washington Monthly)

The Obama Budget’s Big Student Debt Fix President Barack Obama’s 2015 budget contains several interesting policy ideas. (Washington Monthly)

MIT plans to set up legal resource for student entrepreneurs The school is taking a far more hands-on approach after receiving criticism for initially refusing to legally support Jeremy Rubin, an MIT sophomore who received a subpoena from New Jersey Consumer Affairs right before final exams last semester. (USA Today)

Almost a third of college dropouts would have been more likely to graduate had they started at a two-year college  They tend to be minorities and first-generation college students. (The Hechinger Report)