FBI: Minn. anti-war protesters believed in armed revolution

Mick Kelly, Jess Sundin
Long-time anti-war activist Mick Kelly with Jess Sundin, right, in 2011.
Jim Mone/AP

Newly unsealed documents allege Minnesota war protesters told an undercover FBI informant that they believed in violent, armed revolution against the U.S. and raised money for Colombian and Palestinian organizations the government considers to be terrorists.

The documents shed new light on FBI searches of homes of several anti-war activists in 2010. FBI documents suggest agents were looking into potential connections between the activists and foreign groups. No one has ever been charged.

One unsealed document alleges Freedom Road Socialist Organization member Mick Kelly told an informant in 2010 the group had a map of areas in Minneapolis they would need to seize as part of an armed revolution.

The activists say the documents are full of misinformation and show a disregard for the rights of free speech and association.