On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Racial tension, legal hiring, and targeting rich alumni

Colorblind Notion Aside, Colleges Grapple With Racial Tension The notion persists that millennials — born after the overt racial debates and divisions that shaped their parents’ lives — are growing up in a colorblind society. But interviews with dozens of students, professors and administrators at the University of Michigan and elsewhere indicate that the reality is far more complicated, and that racial tensions are playing out in new ways among young adults. (The New York Times)

Hiring of Law Grads Improves for Some Offer Rates for Summer 2013 Interns Approach Pre-Financial Crisis Levels (The Wall Street Journal)

“Pay it Forward” aims to change how students fund college Instead of paying up front and taking out student loans, a proposed Washington State “Pay it Forward” program would let students pay for their education after they graduate by deducting a set percentage of their future income for up to 25 years. The movement has been gaining steam throughout the country. (USA Today)

Are young adults living at home less likely to be ‘thriving?’ The number of 24- to 35-year-olds living at home in recent years is at a record high. A recent Gallup survey found 14% or 3.3 million of 24- to 34-year-olds are living with their parents — the highest number ever recorded. Within this demographic, Gallup Daily tracking researched whether these individuals were struggling, suffering or thriving in their living arrangements. (USA Today)

New ways colleges target rich alumni Schools can now predict how likely a student's parent or diehard university sports fan is to open their wallet. They can analyze whether a fraternity member tends to be more generous than those who ditched the Greek scene. (CNN Money via University Business)