Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Storm tracking this way; deteriorating conditions the rest of the day

Far northwest Minnesota will be spared the snow but will have to deal with strong winds and tumbling temperatures.

Warnings for blizzard-like conditions extend through Friday morning for much of Iowa, western Wisconsin and eastern Minnesota.  You can track the warnings and statements from the National Weather Service.

The radar has filled in with snow or a mixture of sleet and snow this morning.

11am radar
Radar image from 11 a.m. CST. Wunderground.com

The center of the surface low at 11 a.m was sliding east of Kansas City, Mo., and about to make the turn northeast towards eastern Iowa.

Surface weather map at 11 a.m. CST. Image:College of Dupage.

For a look at the weather across the continental U.S. you can check out the weather.gov website.  Severe storms with the potential for isolated tornadoes are likely from Illinois into Indiana this afternoon.

Potential for tornadoes. Image:NOAA Storm Prediction center.

Snow cranks up in intensity this afternoon.  The total liquid accumulation from the snowfall will exceed an inch in western Wisconsin.  This could result in snowfall totals of 15 inches or more around Hayward, Wis., and Bayfield, Wis.


The image below is a forecast of accumulated precipitation through 3 a.m. from the Rapid Update Cycle model. Using a 10:1 water to snow ratio we are still looking at between 6 to 11 inches in the vicinity of the Twin Cities.

Total liquid precipitation between 11am today and 3 a.m. CST on Friday. Image:NOAA/College of Dupage

The Rapid Update Cycle tracks the low to north central Wisconsin at 3 a.m. Friday.

Surface forecast of pressure, winds and temperatures from RAP valid at 3 a.m. CST. Image:NOAA/College of Dupage

The bunching of the pressure contours indicates winds are likely to gust above 45 mph in Minnesota tonight. Blowing and drifting is likely to make travel extremely difficult later tonight.

Much colder temperatures and wind chills are in store for Friday. Cold weather hangs around as we say so long to the meteorological winter on the last day of February.